This is a collection of random facts and tidbits that I couldn’t find a good place for – so they’re collected here!

  • There are over 10,000 additives on the food market in processed food. 99% have NOT been tested.
    • Look out for the team GRAS (pronounced gee-ras) – it means Generally Recognized as Safe, but has not been tested on humans!
  • Apparently, we can stimulate the vagus nerve by humming, gargling to the ABC song which stimulates/activates the nerve to wake up the connection to the gut
    • This nerve connects to the heart, gut and the brain
  • Get enough sleep
  • Practice mindfulness in your purposeful life, in your eating, with your family and your work.
  • Change your perspective – Life is FOR you, how can you see things as opportunities? 
  • Our body systems are still part of the Hunter/Gatherer – its not used to going to the grocery store and eating everything available at all hours of the day. 
  • We have the best built-in communication system on the planet, a community of 60 to 100 trillion cells that know how to work in harmony for our bodies to be our best and healthiest. The problem is we dont know how to communicate back to the body. My Trust Your Gut program teaches you how to do that. 

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Quick Tidbits

This is a collection of random facts and tidbits that I couldn’t find a good place for – so they’re collected here! There are over

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The Wonders of Ghee

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Gut Biome Facts

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